Emergency ventilator JX20 is coming!

jiuxin-medical 834times

As a professional ventilator manufacturer, we always try our best to supply better and better products for you!

Now, a new member of our emergency ventilators is coming!

Eemrgency ventilator JX20 is an automatic (short-term) ventilator with the option of assisted ventilation.

You can use it :

  • to revive patients at the site of the emergency

  • on a longer term basis in more protracted emergencies, e.g. fires

You can use it while transporting patients:

  • between the various rooms and departments of a hospital;

  • between the hospital and other premises;

  • in emergencies;

  • when transport over a considerable distance is planned.

ADD:No.168, Fenghuang West Road, Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, China.

TEL:+86 523-86880973-ext

FAX:+86 523-86196046

QQ :2256378460



Justsends Medical Technology(Taizhou) Co.,Ltd.     苏ICP备11030010号-1    《互联网药品信息服务资格证》证书编号:(苏)-非经营性-2022-0103