JIUJIUXIN Ventilator Double Festival Activity Notice

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Double festival - National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival

1. Purpose of the activity
Taking "National Day, Mid Autumn Festival" as an opportunity, through planning a series of activities, further promote the overall image of the enterprise, enhance the cohesion of the company's staff, and improve the popularity and reputation of JIUJIUXIN emergency ventilator manufacturer.

2. Theme
Singing our great motherland

3. Activity content
Karaoke competition

4. Activity time
September 30th, 2020 (Wednesday) 4pm-8pm

5. Venue
Amigo KTV (Pozi Street store)

6. Participants
All staff, allowed to bring your families



                                                                JIUXIN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

ADD:No.168, Fenghuang West Road, Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, China.

TEL:+86 523-86880973-ext

FAX:+86 523-86196046

QQ :2256378460



Justsends Medical Technology(Taizhou) Co.,Ltd.     苏ICP备11030010号-1    《互联网药品信息服务资格证》证书编号:(苏)-非经营性-2022-0103